You come across colorful advertisement hoardings. You like some, some make you smile, some make you think. After seeing some, you feel "What is the ad about!" I'd like to give my two cents on this.

Consciously or otherwise, your mind will make you choose a set of specific patterns and colours in the materials you use for example dresses, bags, books etc. And that makes you take out a considerable amount of time shopping:-)I want to tell you about the things that happen back stage. A kind of visit to the kitchen of a restaurant, where you love the yummy, spicy, freshly, meaty, juicy dishes served. There are stories behind every advertisement that you, only for a few seconds, will come across while at a traffic signal, at a mall, at a building and so many other places.Hundreds of ideas, numerous drafts texts, many crude designs.Will they like this, or that? Whether right or wrong? Which is the best!? There are many questions to address.

Companies with the intent to attract customers invest a lot of money and efforts. A few days ago there was plan in my company for an ATL campaign. That was for Kolkata, a city which I have not seen, about which I know a very little. I have heard a little about the people of Kolkata. Design Brief: It must advertise about food and speedy delivery.

I started to work on the design.
No 1: I along with my team generated some ideas and started paper work. You can see them below.
No 2: We chose one among many and started to improvise. A few wanted helicopter and a few wanted car, somebody wanted something and somebody did not want the same. Amidst all these the below design came out. Please find the attached file.
No 3: This came out when trying different colour combinations for the same design.
No 4: I felt this is good and started to refine. But I was not satisfied.
No 5: I was arguing against having the helicopter and the others felt the helicopter was apt and necessary.
And this is the final design that I submitted.
Please let me know how it is.

I wanted to convey that there are many efforts and stories behind the advertising hoardings that you may see for a few seconds or may not see at all:-)

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